Monday, January 28, 2008

Pray Mo' Often

Tonight at Bible Study we we challenged to pray more often. Many of us pray at bedtime, mealtime, and certainly in times of distress. It is common for us to pray when we are faced with a crises and when a friend or loved one dies. In the Life More Better Journal, this week's dare says to make our petition to God and to ask God what He wants so our will will be in line with God's Will. Lastly, we learned that we must be prepared to accept God's plan for our lives. Tonight we found that many are still having a diffcult time keeping up in the journal. We have several who have learned the memory verse and still others who are close to knowing the verse. This week we get to the half way mark of our 50 day Journey. How are you doing? Are you listing your God Hunt Sightings? Remember to pray the Life More Better Prayer each day this week.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Forgetting the Past...

How are you doing with the memory verse? What about your new name? How are your Godly goals being executed? Are you recording your God Hunt Sightings on pages 40-41? We have now finished week 3 of our study. It is time for us to examine how we are doing up to this point. Do not become relaxed as this is the time when we let our guards down and are more easily influenced. Many of us have had God Hunt Sightings and we are fired up for what is ahead. But then someone maybe having problems learning the verse, seeing God, and living up to the new name. What can you do to get to the place where you can start to realize all that God has in store for you? Go back and look at Paul's life. Reread the memory verse and concentrate on verse 12. Admit that you are NOT as God wants you to be, but continue reaching for the goal...why? Because Christ made you His; that's why.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What makes a goal Godly?

Tonight at Bible Study we talked about making goals. Each person was asked to come up with a goal that he/she believed was Godly. We also continued our discussion of the life of Judas. The youth learned about the deceitful nature of Judas and of his heartbreak when he realized he had gone too far. He tried to take back his betrayal, but it was too late. He tried to give the "blood money" back, they would not take it. When have you tried to take back an action only to be told, "too late"? Judas had goals, just not Godly goals. What kind of goals do you have?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. Martin Luther King

Many of us were out of work or school today in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. As most of us know, Dr. King was a religious man and had been the co-pastor @ Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. Dr. King's message of peace earned him a Nobel Peace Prize 1964. We are all aware of Dr. King's dream of a Life Mo' Better for all. Although M.L.K. had many barriers to him realizing his dreams, these barriers did not stop Dr. King from dreaming. Like Paul, Dr. King could have just rested on the successes he had already had, but he choose to continue "straining toward what was ahead". How are you living out Dr. King's dream? Are you straining, pushing against the crowd to get to the "prize for which God has called you "to the life above"? How can you make more of your dreams into realities?

Lifehouse "Everything" Skit

This video is amazing! It is so powerful!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot was one of the first 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine being one of the 12 that the Messiah wanted as a close friend, confidant, companion? In addition to being one of these men, Judas was the keeper of the money for the group. Judas could not see far enough beyond his own greed and his own goals to appreciate Mary as she anointed Jesus' feet with that expensive perfume just days before Jesus' cruxifixion. How are we like Judas? How many times have we dreamed of a life of wealth so that "we" can have houses, cars, jewels? How might our goals change if we were setting goals and asking for God's input? What God goals do you have? How do you know that they are God goals and not yours?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Goal Setting

All of us have set goals. Some of us set huge, long-term goals whereas others prefer to set smaller, short-term goals. What is the difference? Well, one difference is that the long term goals often are riddled with twists and turns before they are accomplished. Whereas, short term goals are easier to "see" come true. As Christians we need to set goals, too. We need spiritual goals that will challenge us, but not too big so that we get frustrated. What is one goal you have that relates to your spirituality? Have you asked God to help you achieve this goal? Who have you told about your goal? Our friends/family members can help with accountability.

Friday, January 18, 2008

End of Week 2

How are you doing so far? Has Bible Study started to become a part of your everyday life? Are you asking the LORD to join you at school? At the basketball games? At Wal-mart? At the mall? God is wherever you want Him to be. Look for Him. Seek Him and you shall find Him. Are you recording all of your God Hunt Sightings? Today's Bible reading comes from the book of Ezra. In Ezra we read of an account of God's care for people who trust and depend on Him. In Ezra we read about how the enemies laid in wait for the Jews, but the Jewish people were protected by God. Do you feel like you are protected from your enemies? Are you doing things to protect yourself or are you depending on God for protection?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Spiritual Maturity

It is just a guess that many of you Youth Bible Study members have been told to "grow up" or "act your age". What parents, teachers, and other adults mean is that they feel like you are not living up to your chronological age...or simply put, the number of years you have been alive. Pastor Rebecca challenged each you to make mature decisions. Maturity is a process and we all are in the midst of experiencing our Spiritual Maturity. As we have been studying one portion of Paul's ministry, the idea of Spiritual Maturity surfaces. What signs do you have that indicate you are maturing spiritually? In what areas of your Spiritual Journey do you need to mature even more? God is calling each of us to mature in Him, are you ready to answer?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A New Challenge!!!

Hey ya!!
This is Afroqueeeeeeeen!!!!!!!
Ok. So, I have this idea. I think that all of us youth should have a mentor or mentor someone else. I got this idea from one of my Chrysalis friends. She said that it's a lot of fun to mentor one of the younger kids in her church. If you mentor someone, then they could come to you if they are having some kind of a problem. So, I think this will be fun. Do any of you wanna be a mentor or a "mentee"? Please comment your thoughts about this.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mo' Better!

Tonight was another awesome time at Bible Study. FUMY members are really starting to open up and share their faith, love, and spirit with the group. Tonight many of the participants told how they are doing trying to live up to their new names. What a joy to hear how some of you young people are actually living up to what God wants for your life. As the week progresses, continue looking for God in everything that you do and everywhere you go. FUMY: Remember to record your "God Hunt" sightings on pages 40-41 in your Life More Better journal. Read Acts 23:12-24, what can you learn from the plot to kill Paul?

How are you coming along on the memory verse? Pastor Rebecca issued a challenge for someone to make a Rap out of the memory verse. Are you up for the challenge?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

We're going on a God Hunt

Many a child has played the clapping, rythmic game called, "Wanna go on a bear hunt?" Well, this week in our 50 Day Adventure we are being dared to go on a God Hunt. A God hunt is an intentional God sighting in all that goes on in our lives. Just as Pastor Rebecca said in her sermon on Sunday, "God is always there". If God is always there...why do we have such a hard time seeing Him? Why don't we fully rely on Him? Go on a God Hunt. Open your eyes and let us know where and when you find/see God. Was your sighting in the form of an obvious answer to prayer? Or was it unexpected evidence of God's care (coincidence)? Did your God Hunt lead you to see Him in a situation of unusual linkage or timing? Or did you find God in someone giving you help to do God's work in the world?

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Has everyone had a chance to read about Gideon? Remember how he questioned God? Recall how Gideon felt inadequate when he was called "mighty warrior". What are some lessons that can be learned from Gideon? Gideon was not sure he could live up to his new name. What about you? How are you doing with your new name? Please respond. Review Judges 6:11-32 if you need to.

Friday, January 11, 2008

bible study

waz up this be Mikayla as yall know me- "Jesus girl" yeah i just wanted to give some props out to my bible group. if u didnt get to go last tuesday then u can go this monday coming up. But remember this one is going to be at Mrs. Nevils house ok. It is going to start at 6:30 it ends at 7:30 yeah so be there or we will be sad iight. peace