Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What makes a goal Godly?

Tonight at Bible Study we talked about making goals. Each person was asked to come up with a goal that he/she believed was Godly. We also continued our discussion of the life of Judas. The youth learned about the deceitful nature of Judas and of his heartbreak when he realized he had gone too far. He tried to take back his betrayal, but it was too late. He tried to give the "blood money" back, they would not take it. When have you tried to take back an action only to be told, "too late"? Judas had goals, just not Godly goals. What kind of goals do you have?


Afroqueen said...

Well my goals r 2 get an academic honors diploma and 2 become a physicians assistant. whawhat!!

MONTEL said...

My spiritual goal is to listen to the whole sermon and not just the parts that are talking about the teens, ao I am trying to say is that get every piece of information out of the sermon.